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Welcome to

Generate Cash Biz LLC.

About Us

We help sell your product, service or business through the creation of videos. I have over 11 years of experience behind and in front of the camera and can help you with almost any project you can think of. My experience as a salesman, marketer and business owner over the last 45 years can help you achieve success! We have completed well over 7,000 jobs over the years and would love to help you as well.

Some Of The Projects We Do Are:

Spokesperson for your company

Branded Background with your logo on the wall

Greenscreen with unlimited backgrounds

Introduction of products or services

Product videos including


Social media ads



Amazon ads including Amazon Brand Sponsored Videos

Desktop or Mobile screen casting videos including


Website walkthroughs

Social media ads


360 degrees product spins on a table (we don’t do VR yet)

Company website

Social media ads

Amazon Sponsored Ads

Voice overs for your video or audio project and more...


Pricing starts at $150 per minute of finished video. If you have a project in mind that you would like to discuss, please fill out the contact form below with your name, email, Time zone and best time to call and we will schedule a FREE 30 min phone/video consultation!

Or book now for faster access!!!

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Your success is our success!

Bob Francis


Generate Cash Biz LLC

 "Book a 30 minute FREE consultation below now to discuss your project!"

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